Financial Donation

Make a lasting impact with your financial donation today and support our mission.  Every contribution counts and helps us create positive change and empower for the Disabled Veterans and the Underserved Communities.

Here's how your donation can make a difference:
1. $50 can help refurbish one computer, providing digital access to an individual in need.
2. $250 can support a computer literacy workshop  equipping them with essential skills.
3. $500 can fund a computer donation drive, reaching dozens of individuals.
4. $1,000 can help us maintain and upgrade our computer refurbishment facilities, ensuring the sustainability of our mission. 

Donate by PayPal
Zelle us at  (

Donate Computers

Donate your laptops, tablets, servers, desktops, monitors, external storage devices, routers, printers, and other peripherals and you'll be eligible for a tax deduction based on the current market value.  Fill out the provided form to take part of our mission.

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